Freedom of Information Request ID
Date of response
March 2023
Please could you tell me how many patients were being treated for severe Covid in ICU/HDU at your hospitals from 1st October 2020 to 1st April 2021:
176 – please use this data with caution, please see caveat below*.
* Please note U071 is the COVID Diagnosis Code however we do not differentiate ‘Severe COVID’. We have looked at patient episodes where the COVID diagnosis code has been applied and either the episode start ward is ICU or Trafalgar (ICU/HDU) OR the episode end ward code is ICU or Trafalgar (ICU/HDU). Counting this by distinct spell number gives us 176 spells.
We have only been able to count the patients who have either started/ended the stay on ICU or Trafalgar (HDU) whilst having a diagnosis of COVID, as we have had examples of patients who have had the COVID diagnosis code during their stay but have multiple ward moves which could include ICU/HDU but based on this, we couldn’t be certain that we were treating them specifically for COVID at the time they were in ICU/HDU.
FOI Requests
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides people with a right of access to a wide range of information held by public authorities, including the NHS.
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