Getting here
All you need to know about getting to our hospital can be found on our travel, maps and parking page.
If you need help finding where you have to get to once you arrive, our team of reception staff and volunteer guides will be able to support you.
Contacting wards and departments
Please take a look at our telephone directory first. If you can't find the number you are looking for, please call our switchboard on 01634 830000 and they will be happy to help.

Keeping our patients, visitors and staff safe
All patients, visitors and staff have a responsibility to help prevent infections.
Please do not visit a patient if you have any cold or flu symptoms or symptoms of norovirus (vomiting and diarrhoea). Please do not visit if you or someone in your household has tested positive for COVID-19, or if you display symptoms of COVID-19, unless you require urgent medical care.
When within the hospital please ensure you:
- Wash your hands regularly
- Use the hand gel at the entrances to our hospital and wards
- Wear a disposable face mask in areas that require one, unless you are exempt.
We kindly ask you not to bring lateral flow tests into the hospital to test your loved ones. If you are concerned that a current inpatient has COVID-19, please inform a member of staff.
Visiting times
Click the headings below to find visiting times and guidance for each area.
Two visitors are allowed at the bedside at any one time, if space on the ward allows. Children are welcome to visit if accompanied by an adult, and do not count as one visitor.
Visiting times are 1pm to 8pm, Monday to Sunday.
Supporting nutrition and wellbeing
We have protected mealtimes from 12pm to 1pm (lunchtime) and 5pm to 6pm (dinner time). If a patient needs support with eating at lunchtime, you can come onto the ward from 12pm. Visitors are welcome to stay during dinner time, and help with eating if appropriate, but we politely ask that conversations are kept to a minimum so patients can enjoy their meals.
Dolphin, Panda and Penguin Wards
One parent or carer can always stay with the child and can swap at any time.
Parents, carers and siblings can visit from 8am to 8pm, and the wider family from 1pm to 6pm. We ask that there is a maximum of two people at the bed / cot side at any one time.
Only one parent or carer can stay with the child. Please speak with the nurse in charge if you need extra support.
Oliver Fisher Neonatal Unit (NICU)
Both parents / carers and siblings can stay with their baby / babies at any time. Parents and carers are partners in care and are not viewed as visitors. Other family members can visit at any time if a parent or carer is present. We ask that there is a maximum of two people at the cot side at any one time. We will monitor the number of visitors on the unit to ensure it stays at a safe level.
We have the following measures in place for birth partners and visitors to our maternity services so that women in our care can access the care and support they need from families and those closest to them during pregnancy and birth.
Overnight support – one support person for the duration of your stay 24/7. Please respect the privacy and dignity of everyone at all times. Please take any telephone calls away from the ward areas as others on the ward may be trying to sleep at any time of the day. Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear.
Labour and birth – two birth partners throughout labour and birth. They can stay with you in a birthing room for labour care either on Delivery Suite or The Birth Place. They can stay after the birth until transfer to the postnatal ward, usually two to three hours after birth. If this is within visiting hours they may remain until visiting ends (8am to 8pm).
Attending hospital for labour assessment and support – one partner when you come to hospital for assessment of labour.
Elective caesarean section – one birth partner can accompany you to theatre. When transferred to the ward, you can have two visitors with you.
Pearl and Kent ward visiting – Two visitors can visit between 8am and 8pm. Siblings are welcome to visit with their responsible adult from 2pm to 6pm.
Ultrasound scanning appointments – one support person.
Hospital antenatal clinic appointments – one support person.
Maternity Care Unit (MCU) and Delivery Suite Triage – One support person.
Community Antenatal and Postnatal Appointments – Two support people.
Visiting times are 11.30am to 7.30pm across the Critical Care Unit.
Our staff will do all that they can to help families if they are unable to attend during these times or are visiting patients who are receiving end of life care. Please speak with the nurse in charge to see how the unit can best support your visits.
Please be aware that 2.30pm to 4pm is quiet time for patients on the unit.
During this period the lights are dimmed and patient interventions are reduced to allow them to rest. Visitors are still welcome but are encouraged to take a break.
Patients can be accompanied in an outpatient setting. Within our surgical assessment unit, please limit this to one visitor.
Visiting times for the Frailty Unit at Sheppey Community Hospital are 1pm to 7.30pm.
We will do all we can to help families visiting patients who are receiving end of life care. Please speak with the ward manager to see how we can best support your visits.
Getting here

Patients and visitors

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